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I Am Built For Birth

Writer's picture: Lana TillackLana Tillack

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

" A good mother isn't defined by the process of labor or weather she breastfed or not.

A good mother is defined by the sacrifices and love she gives to her children."

Home stretch as we wait for baby to arrive, i lived my last few days pregnant affirming that my body was designed and made for this, i accepted the pain to welcome my baby into the world, i prayed and thanked God for removing fear from my heart. Mr hubster lightened my heart by assuring me that he will be with me every step of the way, it's either natural vaginal delivery or straight c - section. No arguments about keep trying to push and risk my baby's health. Anything to deliver baby safely into the world.

A week before my due date (39 weeks pregnant) we went on our official hospital tour, hot chocolate and cup cakes was a treat at the cafe of course, hey! anything for the pregnant lady. While on route around the hospital labor & maternity ward, fear struck into my heart about the birthing pain i would face, i got so emotional that i turned my face into Mr hubster shoulder and cried. The nurse paused her brief and said " my sweetheart, everything is going to be okay." I wiped my tears and noticed a few other mom-to-be wipe up theirs, seeing the room, hearing another birth take place scared me to bits.

Going back to my positive affirmations was the best solution after the hospital tour.

Reassuring myself that my body was designed and made for this and that i accept the pain to welcome my child into the world. I believed i could and prayed for a smooth delivery.

Seeing this was my first child, our gynecologist advised me earlier in the week that she would suggest i do not follow through with the birth plan i had wrote together with Mr hubster as it is most likely we will follow with my body and listen to the baby.

No clue with exactly what my gynecologist meant, she went on to tell me "darling go and swim, walk and wait on baby call." After our false alarm when i was 36 weeks pregnant, we had no idea what to expect for actual labor signs as Braxton Hicks made it seem so real, also if baby did not come on the due date we had already researched our options for that situation. Jesus indeed was with us as i remained calm during my last week pregnant.

Finally the evening before my last day at work, i joined Mr hubster for a run at the gym and cooked a light dinner. I had a burst of energy that was not usual, i then said i am 39.5 weeks pregnant, i wish this baby would come already. Good news i had a full night of sleep with my pillow between my legs and another under my arm as that was the only way to sleep through the night pregnant. I woke up to sharp pains at 04:00 AM the next morning only to dismiss it as Braxton Hicks.

I had a shower, smiled as i walked passed my hospital bag and said any day now. I got my hair done as usual flat on the floor, in front of my mirror and beauty bar set up. That's just how i like it done, usually i would spring up everyday and required no assistance to be pulled up, but after the few sharp pains, i called Mr hubster who did not hesitate to lift me off the ground immediately. I told him what if this labor, he brushed it off saying it's my last day at the office, i should not make excuses to go shopping a day early and spend more money on nesting.

Looking super cute in my leggings and denim shirt (same outfit for the cake smash sex reveal) i arrive at work with my dear friend Jamie, we had been in a lift club for almost two years and took turns driving per week to work. I told her about my pains and she also dismissed it and said "Lana only you will know." Sure this made it all the more hard as i walked passed my colleagues who i greet on a daily basis, i enter my work station and take a seat to hold my head.

Deep breath in and out, my pains are now every twenty minutes, which seemed weird as i was told labor pains will be stretched out, but always important to count. Seeing i had already told Mr hubster about my situation in the morning, i called my M-I-L who is a qualified nursing sister at one of KZN's best hospital, probably not the smartest moves as i forgot she is a soon-to-be first time Grandmother who will not medically think but automatically panic.

Yep well i was indeed in labor, i had already started dilating at work, i said my good-byes to all my collegues, walked up the drive way to meet Mr hubster who rushed to my work, one of the only excuses to break the speed limit and drove me to the hospital to get scanned.

I felt nothing besides sharp pains, i was still confident to walk and not use the elevator, we agreed to no epidural if i was to go with a natural delivery and c - section would be the emergency option. My gynecologist was super excited and told me to return home and relax.

Easy right, i still got dropped off at Jamie's house to collect my car, drove while dilating home, started to change into my pajamas, while Mr hubster went to buy spicy chicken, pineapple and orange juice to further induce labor. I was about to start the washing machine when a contraction came through and almost felt like death. I managed to walk to the bathroom in my bedroom and call Esther, my calm (fake) tone stressed her, her response was what do i do for someone in labor.

Not long after i managed to get through yet another painful contraction now fifteen minutes apart, i called Mr hubster and screamed "get home now." This baby is coming soon.

Traffic has started and it was a calm drive to the hospital, no speeding even though i requested it and no hazards. Every contraction that i had to get through Mr hubster just reminded me to breathe and that we will get there soon.

Going into labor at work defiantly did not stress me, my water had not broken and i was perfectly fine, it's the pains of the contractions that struck me and the hospital adventure is a whole blog on its own.

I do hope you enjoyed the details on I am built for birth. Tips and updates below.

Much Love & Blessings Lana T xxx

*Helpful Tip*

Keep your hospital bag in the boot of your car, one month in advance of your due date.

Few Updates!

  1. Durban Christian Centre South is our family church, join us at our Bluff Campus 08:00 AM or at our Wentworth Campus 09:00 AM every Sunday for a powerful service.

  2. Visit my online store Shop Lana T for hot women's fashion, be sure to check out our latest Winter range, while stocks last. Spring range launching soon.

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