Let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore - Unknown
So, our little boy turned one. I am a proud mom to my gorgeous little toddler.
I really do think Mr hubster and i have done a fantastic job raising this little boy together. It sure has not been easy, even after a year we still Google tips and often ask our friends with kids for advice.
After one year i have learned so much from just being a mom. I have learned to love unconditionally, embrace change, multi-task and have discovered strengths in myself that i did not know of until i became a mom.
Mr hubster and i have grown better together after one year of being parents to Keston. We know that we will never be perfect, but are fine with being happy parents to our Son.
We take our weekends as they come, if it is good to go to the beach and play in the sea sand, then that is what we do. If i have a sweet tooth craving at 21H00 and the evening weather is good, we pop Keston in his chair and take a drive to Krispy Kreme Gateway for donuts. Mr hubster has learned to enjoy a soccer game with a busy toddler and enjoys the odd occasion when Keston sits still on his lap to watch the game. It only lasts a few minutes, but the moment is tender and sweet. In the morning i pray and do my daily yoga or mommy work out program, if Keston is asleep i have an uninterrupted session. When he is awake,
i have learned to let him move around my equipment, accept delays, or him jumping on me while doing stomach crunches. He also likes to watch me praying unto the greater One.
I am planting the seed in him from now.
On the not so good days, in the beginning i would get emotional and frustrated with myself for not being able to solve a problem as quick as possible. I then discovered that Keston is not a robot and neither am i, some situations you cannot plan or control and it is better to be positive and the very best you can be to handle any difficult situations that occur in motherhood. Some nights i get very little sleep while other nights i sleep and check on him to see that he is perfectly fine. As a working mama i do get upset that i have limited time to spend with my child, the after work rush is crazy, i literally jump in the car, battle the traffic to get to Keston on time. House hold tasks and play time before bath and bed time rituals is literally a two or three hour gap, once he is finally asleep, i am exhausted but still find strength to do something i enjoy before bed time.
My two boys, i love them with all my heart, Mr hubster is a terrific dad, he co - parents with me when he is on day shift and calls home while on the night shift to check - in on us.
I like the fact that i have finally learned to let go of controlling and wanting to change Mr hubster, i thought about this only after attending a few women events, that why would i want to change a man that i love and trust. Yes we may not always agree on things, as we are two unique individuals with similar interests trying to achieve one goal, our Son's happiness.
On the not so good days we simply pause an arising argument to chat later once our emotions and feelings have calmed down, we have dates twice a month and communicate our concerns than assume. Mr hubster has no problem while on day shift to get up at night with me to settle or feed our Son. Sometimes he insists i sleep while he stays up alone.
Oh the joys of having a great leader as head of our home.
My family is my first ministry, i am the keeper of my home, i believe i am here to serve my family. When it all seems too much, i think of the young eighteen year old me who prayed for everything she now has. Count your blessings and not your problems. Keston is a wonderful little boy with a cute personality, he spoils us with his cuddles, kisses and funny moments that have us laughing out loud. As parents, we love it when Keston runs to us after a day at school or cuddles long with us after a date day. It makes us feel that he loves us as much as we love him and assures us that we are doing something right.
I do hope you enjoyed the details on our first year as parents, until next time
Much Love & Blessings Lana T xxx
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