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The Glamorous Mom-to-Be

Writer's picture: Lana TillackLana Tillack

Updated: Aug 23, 2018

" A mothers joy begins when new life is stirring inside, when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone."

20 Weeks Bump, 2017

Oh the joys of being pregnant, I could not wait for the "glow" that every magazine and movie explains that a woman will get once pregnant, I wanted to be a glamorous mom-to-be with my big shades and rocking heels. Well I was pretty excited to dress my bump but at 12 weeks I had no additional weight, no cravings just some slight body pain and morning sickness. My 12 week check up was due, I remember rocking an army green jumpsuit and killer pair of heels as I felt super excited to display a glamorous mom-to-be image.

Mr hubster and I took the morning off work to attend our pregnancy consultation and scan together, what a joy to have him with me.

We took a seat, I snacked on a jungle bar and noticed the room was quiet busy during the morning period and most of the mothers were far along in their pregnancies, some with a child present and a nanny to keep the child occupied. The typical human I am that judges a person without knowing the true situation automatically judged a mother who was near to give birth dressed in very loose clothes, complaining about the wait and kept on shouting at her child to sit still and play with a few toys. I then leaned over to Mr hubster and asked him to help me stay healthy, fit and happy to dress and show off our pregnancy, Mr hubster is very thoughtful and responded saying "we will take each day as it comes."

Guess the Bump Shoot, 2017

Finally after a two hour wait it was time for our scan and what a joy to see our little life with fingers and toes jump and dance from a sugar rush due to the chocolate jungle bar I had snacked on earlier. Our ever so motherly friendly warm hearted gynecologist gave us good advice to continue a healthy pregnancy. Her advice included tips about gym and a balanced diet. I ran a lot prior to my pregnancy so she suggested I start swimming and avoid eating fruits with lots of sugar to guard my unborn child from any unhealthy habits that could develop in the womb with effects after the birth. Our appointment seemed speedy, 20 minutes tops! yet the wait was so long, excited with my scan pictures I could not wait to add this to our pregnancy journal.

We departed from the hospital separately as Mr hubster and I work in two different locations. After work we discussed the transition of me slowly stopping my morning runs to an afternoon swim. I liked the idea to now sleep in during the morning while Mr hubster trained. I disliked the thought of swimming at our gym as I feel uncomfortable to take a dip with the treadmills placed on the balcony overlooking the entire pool area. To begin my new swimming adventure I bought a rash-vest and started my first session in the afternoon.

Not as bad as I thought it would have turned out as I enjoyed my session, soon I was home in time for a cup of noodles and soup.

Unicorn, Eli & me

A week after my check up I woke up nauseous with some uncomfortable body pains.

I sat up Googling my symptoms at 03:00 AM while mixing some lemon juice which apparently assists with pregnancy nausea, but nothing seemed to help. I tried to go back to sleep but I felt slight pain as my body was finally stretching out to house a growing little life within me. I had enlarged breasts, sore thighs, acne appearing on my face and all day sickness.

Once I managed to sleep, wake up and shower. I thought about purchasing a few help-me items while I start the not so glamorous journey of pregnancy, I was upset about saying good bye to my glamour mom-to-be appearance as I enjoyed making pregnancy look so easy but as I said before Pinterest makes pregnancy seem so easy from start to finish with those beautiful pictures, real life is super hard. I felt bad thinking back I was so judgmental at the gynecologists room of the near to give birth mom who seemed so uncomfortable, dressed in loose soft linen clothes and asked God to forgive me and ease my suffering.

No acne at 20 weeks pregnant

At work I felt at ease wearing my semi - formal clothes to dress the bump but after I hit the not so glamorous side of pregnancy I felt exhausted and did not have the energy to walk one end of the Admin building to the other side of Production to our HR office in heels with a now appearing bump. I wanted to be comfortable so I invested in a pair of good flat knee-high-boots from Zando an online shopping store. I wore my booties with mostly leggings and a formal top, more about that in my next blog.

My Baby Bump, 2017

I tackled my body pain by increasing my weekly swimming sessions despite being exhausted I managed to swim three times a week for 20 / 30 minutes depending on my mood.

I purchased a new set of vitamins as the previous one caused constipation due to the high iron content and I found a nausea solution that helped a bit which enabled me to smile and appreciate the journey of pregnancy a bit better. I nibbled on ginger cookies, drank a ton of water or lemon juice to assist with the nausea and slept with a long white pillow between my legs. By my 16th week check up I was doing so much better, my gynecologist advised me of a face wash to purchase for my acne, everything had to be 100% natural with no vitamin A. By my 20th week pregnant I returned to the glamorous mom-to-be image wearing a trendy range of cost effective fashion items with my booties not heels.

I do hope you enjoyed the details of the glamorous mom-to-be.

Tips and updates below.

Much Love & Blessings

Lana T xxx

*A Few Glamorous Mom-to-Be Tips*

  • Ginger Cookies

  • Lemon Juice

  • Water

  • Vita Preg

  • Strawberry Yogurt

  • Butternut Soup

  • Berries

  • Apples

  • Pregnancy Exercise (Swimming, Yoga)

Few Updates!

  1. Durban Christian Centre South is our family church, join us at our Bluff Campus 08:00 AM or at our Wentworth Campus 09:00 AM every Sunday for a powerful service.

  2. My online store Shop Lana T is currently sold out of stock and loading some hot winter fashion that will be available for pre-order soon.

  3. Feel at ease to drop me an email.

  4. Let's be friends kindly subscribe to my site.

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1 commentaire

Bianca Rust
06 juin 2018

I really enjoyed reading this blog post and your experiences - it was so relatable to me! Your whole site looks amazing, well done!! xxx

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